Queer Magic Center
The Queer Magic Center cultivates a safer space for the queer community within the permaculture convergence to thrive, reflect, challenge, and evolve, so that we can bring our full selves and all we have learned into the larger community outside of this event.

Our Queer Magic Manifesto: Our Queer Magic is our inheritance from our queer ancestors and our offering to queer ecological futures. Our Queer Magic is our resilience and resistance and strategies for collective survival. Our Queer Magic is our power to transform, to change, to transition. Our Queer Magic is our culture of care; the way we build and nurture queer families and kinship. Our Queer Magic is our insistence on inclusion and the creativity of our coalitions. Our Queer Magic is our complexity; our ability to be and to hold multiple truths at once. Our Queer Magic is all of the ways we question oppression, and all of the ways we break free.
Queer Magic Center
The Queer Magic Center is a space where we can gather to explore and exchange these gifts, give gratitude to our history and ancestors, and seek refuge in queer community. To LGBTQ+ people at the convergence: consider this your living room.
The Queer Magic Center is a safer space for people who identify as Two-Spirit, Trans, Non-Binary, Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay, Intersex, Asexual, and beyond. Faeries and Bears, Witches and Multiples, Tranimals and Creatures, and all the many other kaleidoscopic identities that make up our diverse and brilliant queer community.
This is a space by and for LGBTQ+ community, not one focused on educating non-queer-identified people on queer issues. We will be offering an introductory workshop titled “Queer Ecology 101: Introduction to the biological exuberance of living beings” that is open to all conference participants and we highly encourage you to bring your questions.
What can I find here?
Gatherings and Workshops
Qommunity Night
After the main stage performances close Saturday night, join us in the Queer Magic Center for storytelling, song-sharing, and community. Bring your warm layers and blankets, and stay as long as you want or need.
Queer Ecology 101: The Biological Exuberance of Living Beings
As people whose lives embody change and transformation, the LGBTQ+ community has necessary contributions to lend to this global struggle to protect and regenerate land, water, food, and biocultural diversity. Join us for this introductory conversation to ask questions about the different identities and experiences in the LGBTQ+ community, explore the gender and sexual diversity of the natural world, and uncover the common roots underlying the harms to the planet and the ongoing violences to the queer and trans community. Open to all, please bring questions.
More Gatherings To Be Announced!
*A Note on Language: What do we mean by “Queer”?
Many people grew up hearing “queer” as a slur with negative connotations. We use it as a reclaimed word that holds power for our community. As a noun, “queer” refers to a medley of gender & sexually diverse ways of being – identities, expressions, cultures, bodies, intimate and erotic interactions. It is an “umbrella” term that encompasses more behaviors and expressions than the LGBT acronym. When used as a verb, “to queer” means to destabilize, disrupt, expand, bend, blend and transform what has been normalized & naturalized. It is a powerful impetus for us in this moment of great transitions.
Find out more at our “Queer Ecology 101” workshop.
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