People of Color homeSPACE
This is a safer space for Indigenous and People of Color communities and individuals to gather and build this space together

This is a first time offering at the Convergence! We are here to provide and offer pillars of support for communities and individuals who’s needs and intentions are that of which we identify as and see ourselves woven in this collective healing.
Why a People of Color homeSPACE?
Due to the structural, systematic disadvantages that are barriers to many, we position ourselves to be present to work through challenges of our world and at this gathering on levels that range from personal to professional.
In this gathering focused on the Priciples of Permaculture, which can be defined as a modern interpretation of land-based wisdom, we claim our connection to the earth with intention to bring innovative solution based actions.
This is our homeSPACE?
We are excited to share our enthusiasm around nature rooted in ancient ways as well as modern day perspectives on how we move through the world on a daily basis. People of Color are a key aspect of Permaculture and we recognize our place with each other, the land and our right to exist and thrive on this planet and support the care and nurturance of every living being. We acknowledge Indigenous and People of Color from around the globe and on every continent who are continually working to advance as humans in a world that leaves many oppressed. We are here to honor this process of learning and letting go of patterns that don’t serve our deepest needs and to hold onto and remember how to restore ourselves as part of this planet.
What will I find there?
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