Community Kitchen
An inclusive and inter-sectional community kitchen. Here we explore healing and nourishment; of ourselves and one another through our relationship with food as we deepen our awareness of the interdependence of all beings on this planet.

Welcome to our Community Qwitchen:
A space integrating food as medicine, holistic herbalism, and queer magic! Here is a space where you may nourish yourselves and each other with our most intimate way of relating with nature: preparing, cooking, and eating FOOD! How we relate with food is connected deeply with the land, with our communities, with our bodies, and with our ancestors.
A Queer Witch Kitchen by Pisces Moon Collective
We are a collective of creators and healers bringing medicine to this world in diverse and varying forms. We envision a reality rooted in ancestral and indigenous wisdom, de-colonizing our healthcare system, witchcraft, biodynamic medicine, movement, music, and permaculture. Our work is guided by our deep intuitive nature, the cycles and rhythms of the earth and celestial bodies, and our innate relationship with water – for the liberation of all.
What is our focus?

Food as medicine creates bridges within and among people across cultures, ages, languages, and abilities. Eating food is our most intimate relationship with nature. How we relate with food is deeply connected with the land, with our communities, with our bodies, and with our ancestors.
Holistic herbalism is a way we heal through body, mind, soul, and spirit with plants, minerals, and fungi as our allies. This is a powerful way we reconnect with and heal our ancestral wounds. Through this lens, we remember the innate value of all living beings as teachers along our journey.
Queer magic celebrates the sheer and unequivocal joy of being. We are as fluid, vast, and diverse as the entire universe. We rejoice in all of our expressions and identities and reclaim the landscapes of our bodies, minds, and hearts as our temples and sacred spaces. Queer magic is the impetus to de-colonize, de-centralize, and transform by disrupting the norms and conditioning we have experienced within the hegemonic paradigm of patriarchy and its manifestations. As we move forward with this energy, we come into greater clarity and recognition of multiple truths existing simultaneously.
What can I find here?
Prepping surfaces, stoves, cob oven, some storage space for your personal food items, and some food and kitchen items to share.
Seating Area and Ancestral Foods Altar Space:
A lounge for you to enjoy your meals and to honor the energies that have brought our nourishment into creation. In gratitude and reverence for this earth and all of her abundance, we center the role of seeds. We invite community to offer seeds to the altar and exchange seeds with one another–the opportunity to bring home the abundance we co-create!
Community Meals:
Queer Magic Meals: several donation-based meals will be created and offered by the Queer Magic Center in honor of the legacy of LGBTQ2S+ centers feeding community
Guest chefs and enthusiasts welcome to facilitate community meals
*More to be announced!*
Workshops & Presenters
Interested in hosting a workshop at Our Community Qwitchen? We welcome you to share your gifts with this space!
Please apply to present a workshop via the Workshop Application Form.
We are calling in food and kitchen items! Do you grow delicious fruits and veggies in your yard? Is your kitchen overflowing with extra spatulas, bowls, and cutting boards? Are you experiencing abundance and would like share it with community? The belly is the fastest way to the heart. Please bring your own dishware, food, and more to share!
Thank You 🙂
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