Cultivating Zone 0 in the Garden

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Health and well being in the garden and farm through awareness of movement patterns.

In this workshop Jeanne will instruct you in ways to prevent discomfort when gardening and after the work is done. Yes, it’s been proven,that getting your hands dirty is good for your emotional health, but what about your physical body? Are you using it in ways that will support your overall health? These questions will be answered. As we all know, changing the way we do things can be difficult, so she will also answer the question, “How do I move from knowing what to do, to doing it.” The tools we use are also important for the health of our hands so she will share with us some tools that she has experimented with and are easier to use when the hands hurt. This workshop will provide you with the tools you need to support your health and well being, when doing what you love to do in the garden.

Presented By: Jeanne Charbonneau