How to Assess & Design a Healthy Home Environment

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Due to the rising toxicity levels in the environment around us, along with the associated rise in cancer rates, Angel Rodriguez will be providing a workshop to help participants learn how to assess and evaluate their home environment, and design their home for optimizing health, minimizing toxicity, and creating a LifeStance that is as impenetrable as is possible. Angel holds a Masters degree in Sustainable Communities, a Bachelors degree in Holistic Nutrition, is State certified and licensed in all aspects of holistic nutrition, energy, and healthy home inspection, and is founder of the Sustainable Living Institute.

The average home is incredibly toxic, because of what people choose to bring into them, and how they live inside them. The participants will learn how to assess and evaluate their home’s health, how to make it a healthy home, and how their choices create not only a healthy foundation for themselves, but how their choices also impact their neighbors, their communities, and our planet.

Participants  will visualize and go through their home and lifestyle so that they learn the most current thinking on health and lifestyle for optimizing health and the prevention of disease. This ultimately creates awareness and mindful choices, which builds the people that will build the communities of mindful people, making mindful choices. Healthy and sustainable homes contribute to the healing of our planet, and creates a model for others to see.

Sunday Oct 8| 9:30am| Willow Grove

Presented By: Angel Rodriguez