Effective Collaboration

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[image_frame align=”left” height=”300″ width=”300″ prettyphoto=”false”]http://permacultureconvergence.com.webserver.vera.asdf456.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Don_Hall_Effective-Collaboration.png[/image_frame]

While working in groups can be fun, it’s not always easy. How do we cultivate effective groups without replicating hierarchical structures or spending too much time on group process? Designed for anyone working towards positive social change, this participatory one-hour workshop will provide you with some of the perspective, knowledge, and tools you need to collaborate with others in a more skillful way.

This workshop will be a highly-condensed version of a two-day training in Effective Collaboration that was developed by the permaculture-inspired Transition Network to provide local initiative leaders with the skills needed to build resilient communities. Some of its main themes include incorporating diverse perspectives to generate collective wisdom, understanding power dynamics to deal with conflicts more constructively, and emphasizing practice as a way to integrate theory. Both the Transition movement, in general, and this Effective Collaboration workshop, specifically, are powerful tools for spreading permaculture ideas and practices far beyond the choir.

Presented By: Don Hall