Kelly Elizabeth Ortega

Kelly Elizabeth Ortega is currently planting seeds with intention in the spaces she is honored to step into as an Earth Warrior, Yoga Guide, Ritual Maker and Creative Curator. She gives thanks to her ancestors from the lands of El Salvador and Mexico, the native people of the land she is honored to learn from, her spiritual guides, teachers, family, community and all relations that have supported her life journey. She has been nourished with sacred ancestral land and herbal knowledge from her elders and community, a Bachelor’s of Science in Dietetics, and a Niroga Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher Certification. As Holistic Wellness Activator and Social Entrepreneur; all her work is deeply rooted in being in service to Mother Earth, Tonantzin, and the 7 generations to come after her time.

Saturday, Oct 7| 11am| Bio-regional

From the margins to the center: Role of youth in the Next Economy