Local Currencies & Economic Resilience

[image_frame align="left" height="200" width="200" prettyphoto="false"]http://permacultureconvergence.com.webserver.vera.asdf456.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/chongkee_tan.png[/image_frame] From 1970 to 2010, the world has witnessed 145 banking crises, 72 sovereign debt crisis and 208 monetary crashes. Writers such as Charles Einsenstein and Bernard Lietaer have clearly…

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Dr Chong Kee Tan

[image_frame align="left" height="200" width="200" prettyphoto="false"]http://permacultureconvergence.com.webserver.vera.asdf456.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/chongkee_tan.png[/image_frame] Dr Chong Kee Tan started life as an academic. He had taught at Stanford and National University of Singapore.  After leaving academia, he worked in real estate development in…

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