Micro to Macro
Soil Science Made Easy with Matt Powers
Full Day Immersion Workshop (tickets sold separately)

Workshop Description
Join Matt for a fun, inspiring, and informative workshop on how to build soils, how to remediate soils, how to feed soil life, and how it all works micro to macro, and then learn how to apply the information to your own site!
Dive deep with Matt and learn about the world beneath your feet in and out of the garden sourcing Dr. Elaine’s work, Radical Mycologist Peter McCoy’s work, and dozens of experts from around the world as well as his own experience growing in 140F soils in Central Valley California.
Trained 1:1 by world renowned soil expert Dr. Elaine Ingham to convey complex ideas to a K-12 audience, Matt Powers is an educator that can make soil understandable.
About Matt Powers

Matt Powers is an author, educator, seed saver, gardener, blogger, and family guy that teaches people of all ages all over the world how to live regeneratively. Through online courses, books, his podcast, social media presence, in-person training, and coaching, Matt teaches holistic permaculture skills to thousands of students a year. Matt is the author of The Permaculture Student 2, the first peer-reviewed permaculture high school and college textbook, and the first cited global all-climate permaculture text since Bill Mollison’s Permaculture a Designer’s Manual. Expanding the coverage of permaculture in practice, Matt has combined ocean restoration, modern soil science, mycology, urban permaculture, riparian restoration, holistic management, indigenous practices, large-scale restoration, renewable energy, social permaculture, and more into a full-spectrum permaculture that dwarfs all previous iterations of permaculture.
Working with over 100 experts from around the world like Dr. Elaine Ingham, Darren Doherty, Peter McCoy, Erik Ohlsen, Mark Lakeman, and Makeda Makossa, Matt has built the first curriculum in permaculture to lead to real career paths and professional development. Matt has been featured on PBS, interviewed by NPR, written 11 books on permaculture, and published in 6 languages including Arabic and Spanish.
Learn more: ThePermacultureStudent.com
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