Ancestral Arts Zone
The Ancestral Arts Zone is a dedicated space for folks to connect with ancestral wisdom, techniques, and technologies.

Reconnect with traditions that have faded in modern society.
Learn interesting and vital skills that will last a lifetime.
Discover the wonder of experiences shared with others.
Realign yourself with simplicity.

Why an Ancestral Arts Zone?
The Ancestral Arts Zone is a dedicated space for folks to connect with ancestral wisdom, techniques, and technologies.
We hope to offer basket weaving, friction fire, and other skills all of our ancestors relied upon for survival as well as delving deeper into mythologies that stir our souls and connect us with our ancestral cosmologies. We are striving for solutions to our current problems through remembering the wisdoms of the past and listening to nature. We aim to connect deeper into our ancestral roots as stewards of this sacred earth.

What will I find there?
- Hands on skills
- Story telling
- Runic divinations
- Workshops
- Council of Elders
Workshops & Offerings
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