Join us for a highly interactive introduction to NVC and explore more efficient collaboration strategies.
We are creating a world where everyone’s needs matter and people have the skills to make peace. Awaken greater self-compassion, create opportunities for choice, and experience more satisfying relationships with Nonviolent Communication. Join us for an introduction to NVC and explore more efficient collaboration strategies. Specifically, we plan to explore: -Use conflict as an opportunity for generative outcomes -Identify shared purpose and values -Emphasize connection, first, last and always Workshops are highly interactive, and focused on practices that can be put to use immediately.
Offering an interactive workshop on NVC through the focus of collaboration. The intention of this workshop is skill-building to bring people together in alignment with shared purpose and values, and create opportunities for generative outcomes beyond what we can do alone.
Saturday Oct 7| 3:30pm| Willow Grove
Workshop given by Margo Dunlap