The International Permaculture Convergences (IPCs) are the lifeblood of the global permaculture movement. Started in the early 1980’s when permaculture was still relatively unknown, IPCs are now a bi-annual event hosted by a different permaculture organization in a different country and region each time. We learn in the deepest way what our fellow global citizens and permaculturists are experiencing in their regions as societies around the world enter in an era of interconnected challenges. Participants from many parts of the world come ready to share their skills, projects & knowledge. With as many as 70 countries attending there is a diversity of participants, for a diversity of ideas, resulting in a wonderful diversity of solutions. Who knows where these much needed solutions will come from, could it be East Timor, the highlands of Zimbabwe, the Negev desert? Or possibly India, where they are celebrating 30 years of Permaculture, by hosting the next IPC in 2017. Come learn how these grassroots global convergences are organized, what the challenges are for host organizations, and contribute your ideas of how to keep them strong and resilient in the future.
International Permaculture Convergence’s Unite the Global Permaculture Community – what are they, how are they organized, how you can participate.
For more than 40 years Permaculture has been leading the way with innovative, planet and climate friendly design strategies, that are just now being fully recognized by the rest of the world as the answer to some of our most pressing problems. IPC’s reach into every corner of the world, local to global, to bring forth and share these ideas.Workshop:
• Brief overview of International Permaculture Convergences
• Present Organizational Structure of IPC’s, with discussion Future of IPC’s
• Engage participants in brainstorming exercises for ever evolving model
Topics might include:
• How can permaculture strategies feed up from local to global, arrive at IPCs ready to share?
• What organizational constructs would help make IPC’s most effective and resilient?
• Money! How to Finance
• Language, what creative ideas to prevent barriers in sharing
• Multiculturalism, how to learn the most from each other, when we express ourselves quite differently, in manner, gestures
• Technology constraints
• Ideas for sharing & exchange capacities
• How to make sure what’s learned at IPC’s return home, or disseminated to local permaculture organizations?