Learn all about cooking, preservation, fermentation, delicious nutritious traditional recipes, and more with a permaculture chef, Seth Peterson.
A home garden providing the benefits of eating locally and seasonally is a most revolutionary and transformative act. Using the intersection of agriculture and cooking to frame our physical world and daily lives, local chef and permaculturalist, Seth Peterson, discusses growing and eating our own food. Making the connection between garden and kitchen, this conversation offers practical tips and information on growing, harvesting, preserving and cooking your own food. It addresses everything from growing a simple herb garden to big picture considerations like redesigning our local food shed to support our farmers and environment, taking back our food system, and focusing on our individual and collective health.
People will learn what they can to eat better, buy local, and regenerate our communities and lands through regenerative agriculture on any scale.
Friday, Oct 6| 11am| Zocalo
Presented by Seth Peterson