Indigenous Voices Panel
Sweetwater will open the panel with a 30 minute talk on Decolonizing our Activism To heal from historical trauma, you must first understand how colonization

Emotional Literacy & Reading Human Landscapes
Are you emotionally intelligent? Do you know what is going on inside yourself and others? Can you ‘read’ human landscapes like you read land systems?

Emergent Masculine
Sacred Men’s Council for Embodiment & Connection A sacred men’s council to co-create deeper connection and embodiment through vulnerability, accountability, courage, and listening. Men will

Processing Wild Harvested Clay
We will learn how to process clay sourced from the earth beneath Little Lake Valley, making it usable for medicine, ceramic or building material Attendees

tending the forrest
for fire prevention and watershed regeneration We will be covering the basic approach to forrest stewardship. we will review the foundation for approach, redefining hazards

Pollinating the Permaculture Paradigm: Blooming Biodiversity’s Global Permaculture Journey
Bloom and Anahata have travelled globally with their organization, the Blooming Biodiversity Permaculture network, living at and visiting a rich diversity of Eco-villages, intentional communities,

Climate Change is Real, But What are the Various Causes?
In this workshop we will ask the tough questions about our changing weather and dive deep into climate change to explore the many possible causes,

Men’s Ecological Grief Circle
Men coming together to honor and express our complex grief and emotion as we witness ecological destruction and work towards regeneration. This men’s circle is

Empowerment and Enlightenment in Disasters
Practical survival skills and knowledge for when the grid goes down. Community and personal resilience begins with you. Be prepared for when the lights go

How is Blockchain Driving Regenerative Solutions?
Join a vibrant discussion about how blockchain technologies are empowering whole systems economy, governance and more. What is blockchain? Is it a key driver for

Autumn Equinox Despacho Ceremony
In this ancient, sacred ceremory, participants will collaborate to create a prayerful nature mandala that honors the Autumn Equinox. Despachos are an ancient ceremonial tool

The Weaver Network – Happy Hour Networking & Gathering
join for a fun-filled game to meet everyone in the room make important connections that could change the world It is important to know who’s

After the Fires: The power of community in disaster response, recovery and rebuilding
In an era of climate disruption and devastating weather events, the 2017 Northern California wildfires were the costliest and most deadly in state history. Northern

Regenerative Technologies Interactive Showcase
Join us for an interactive discussion and demonstration of multiple regenerative technologies including alcohol distilled from waste or low cost local sources; harvesting, storing and

Return of the village: Tao of Sustaining Self and Community is a feedback loop.
Recognize and implement sustainable models through evaluative measure from systems theory to shift the paradigm. Regenerative and collaborative Leadership as a means to support full

Social Permaculture Playshop: Clowning Theory and Praxis for Earth Activists
Let’s play: tap into the wisdom of your body as a force for activist self-care and cultural critique. You’ve heard that these times are dire

Access to Water, Access to Life
A social, ecological and human rights perspective exploring themes such as environmental racism, social and environmental justice, landscape resiliency, and overall repair of the water

Grain Processing
Learn how to grow and process grains by hand. Staple crops can be an important, fun, and easy part of a regenerative system. This is

Fiber Processing
Learn how to take plant and animal fibers from seed or animal to finished cloth. Fiber systems are an often-forgotten, but essential part of wholistic

Womb Warriors: Using our Wombs as our Cauldrons
Using the power of our wombs to manifest the new Earth as a conscious collective. Our wombs are a powerful and sacred space. Using our
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