Abigail Hinds ~ began her womb journey many years ago when she got her IUD taken out and learned how to track her own moon cycle. This began a long journey of connecting more deeply with her body, her womb and the reflection of the cycles of the earth within.
After a deep soul initiation and dolphin swims on the Big Island of Hawaii, Abigail began working with a tribe of Humpback Whales. These allies sing their songs and bring through vocal transmissions through the waters of her womb, sharing their ancient wisdom, offering healing, and calling us into loving action.
Abigail weaves together studies of Ayurvedic Medicine, Energy Medicine, Channeling, Sound Healing, Conscious Movement, Womb Health, Blood Mysteries, Sacred Sexuality, Herbal Medicine, Earth-based Ritual, Sacred Wisdom Traditions & Indigenous Wisdom, and Permaculture.
Abigail is passionate about empowering our unique creative gifts through returning to our wombs and remembering the powerful consciousness and wisdom that resides there. Her deep prayer is that we are empowered to radiate the unique medicine of our soul to this world in deep connection, reverence, truth and love.
Abigail holds bi-monthly by-donation Ayurvedic Breast Massage Clinics in Berkeley and offers this work at the yearly Women’s Herbal Symposium and Spirit Weaver’s womens gatherings. Abigail offers individual healing sessions ~ Womb Healing, Ayurvedic Lymphatic Massage, Ayurvedic Breast Massage, and Cord Transplanting all over the Bay Area, Hawaii, and Oregon.
She is a gifted and intuitive artist and weaver, infusing magic and the creative spirit of life into sacred jewelry as medicine prayers for healing.
May all the wombs of this earth be honored and free <3
2018 Convergence Workshop: ~ Whale Womb Water Illumination ~