Douglas Reil is a Bay Area publishing industry veteran, local food organizer, and a media consultant specializing in sustainability, cannabis, and regenerative culture. His thirty-year career in publishing includes serving as the publisher and executive director at the nonprofit publisher North Atlantic Books, working with authors such as Martin Prechtel, Charles Eisenstein, Peter Levine, Andrew Harvey, and Vandana Shiva. In 2011, he founded Bay Food Shed, a community-based organization that creates initiatives at the intersection of local food and the gift economy and supports organizations creating abundance in their communities. Currently, he is involved in a number of projects including working as a publishing agent, cofounding an online portal presenting a science-based process for utilizing medical cannabis, and building a community-based collaborative kombucha company. He lives in El Cerrito with his wife, son, and garden.
Friday Oct.6| 11am | Tea House