tea lounge

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Our vision of the Village Commons is a living model of a resilient community. The idea is to immerse ourselves into a full body experience of village life. [/colored_box]

We invite your participation! To apply to the Village Commons, submit your application in the form at the bottom of the page or click here. Priority Village Commons application deadline is Sept 18th, at 5 pm. Priority given to folks committing to help set up, stay and work the entire event.

In the next few weeks we will review applications with an eye towards creating a balanced mix of your offerings in service of co-creating the Village Commons. Come be a part of this emergent participatory, revelatory experiment in public dreaming!

What might I offer in the themed spaces? These are general ideas, not set in stone, with examples of what you might find in the village. If you have an offering that fits the examples please let us know!! If you want to offer your unique spice into the Village fire please apply!

  • Hospitality – These are spaces to welcome and provide comfort! What kind of “landing spot” would you like to offer convergence attendees?

Bath House – a outdoor eco-friendly shower
Cafe – a place to spark an interesting conversation
tea house and/or coffee klatch
Hotel/Hostel – A comfy nook to nap

  • School House – What project or skills do you want to highlight? These tents provide the opportunity to show off your personal projects and hold space for scheduled or spontaneous sharing.

Library -Free Library, Book exchange
Workshop, and Skill-share space
Craft materials exchange
Seed exchange

  • Town Hall – These areas model participatory government and provide breakout meeting space for regional guilds, trade organizations or neighborhood groups.
    How can we model a new vision of town halls? Can city council chambers be redesigned so people meet in circle? Can we break out of the 3 minute public comment period? What are effective, compelling ways for communities to make decisions about their common welfare? How do we set the stage for an impassioned, involved citizenry?

Soap-Box – A place for individuals to connect around common interests and important questions.

Connective Conversations
World Cafe
Open Space Technology

Bioregional meetup space – Are you able to hold space for informal meet ups of neighbors, guilds and newly made friends? This is the birthplace of inspired projects, dreamed up on the spot by people on fire with what they have just heard, seen and practiced at the convergence. We’re looking for Community Bulletin Boards and meeting nooks to support impromptu gatherings of like minded folks.

  • Sacred Space of Regeneration – This safe space addresses our need to see and be seen in contexts that recognize our unique humanness while acknowledging our interdependence with all of life.

Gender Alley
Temple/Sacred conversation
Inner Resilience

  • Healing Center – places to heal body, mind, and spirit

Massage Therapist
Alternative Healing
Sound Healers
Talk Therapy
Eco Therapy
Somatic Therapy

  • Kitchen – the hearth – the sacred fire – a place for campers to feed themselves and workshop space for fermenting, preserving and medicine making

Community kitchen – Cooking and teaching area for homestead skills

  • Marketplace – a place to share your abundance in exchange with others

Vendors/Artisans; apply here:
Trade/Barter Blankets

Clothing Swap
Seed Swap
Farmers Market

  • Watering Hole – Come wet your whiskers!

Come grab a drink. The Convergence organizers will be selling  beverages like kombucha, kvass, wine, beer, and more.


Village Commons Application

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