Tayla Ealom

Tayla Ealom is a bodyworker, writer, medicine maker, and embodiment counselor that works to weave the together the worlds of somatic psychology, women's spirituality, ecofeminism, earth based wisdom, and social justice in order to…

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Forest Berg

Forest Berg is a visionary, teacher and life coach. Expert in group facilitation and environmental research. With a B.S in Natural Resources. Forest has been involved the environmental field for twenty years. He has…

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Benoît Clément

Cultivated through hundreds of thousands of miles traveled through a dozen countries around the world, Benoit's experiences in a multitude of climates, cultures, economies, prosperity, and chaos have helped shape who he is today.…

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DeAnna Batdorff

DeAnna Batdorff began her career in service in 1987 and founded the dhyana Center of Therapeutics,Inc in 1994. She is an Ayurvedic and Tibetan Practitioner and Educator, Massage Therapist, Western Herbalist, Nutrition Counselor and…

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How we treat the Soil is how we treat everything – Including Death

Our understanding and our treatment of our SOIL demonstrates how we relate to the living Earth and to Death –– our death and death in general. We are not apart from the soil. We…

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Douglas Reil

Douglas Reil is a Bay Area medical cannabis advocate, local food organizer, and publishing/media consultant specializing in sustainability, cannabis, and regenerative culture. He is the Program Director of the Budding Compassion Network, formerly East…

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Deva Presence

Déva Presence is a conscious lyricist, author and guide. He has been leading people for over a decade in retreats and workshops on many topics including relationships, permaculture, yoga, spirituality and conscious sexuality. None…

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Marni Samuels

For over a decade, Marni has been studying and practicing the teachings of various healing and wisdom traditions. The original foundations of her healing journey were laid in traditional yoga and meditation, Advaitya Vedanta…

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Ayahuasca Integration: Inhabiting The Ceremony of Life

This workshop offers tools, practices and perspectives for integrating the potent work with Ayahuasca into your daily life. Ayahuasca work is a potent catalyst for transformation, bringing direct experiences of truth, transcendence and healing.…

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Pilar Mejia

When we Heal Ourselves, We Heal the Collective ~~~~~~~ ** In Solidarity with the First Nations of Turtle Island, honoring the ancestors of these lands ** I am Pilar, and I am the mastermind…

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Who’s Missing at the Table? Creating a more Inclusive Resiliency Movement

Through presentation and group discussion, we will come up with strategies to insure fair inclusion and representation of marginalized voices in ecologically-regenerative movements. While we all want to transition to a post-carbon future in…

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Theresa Halula

Working ten years as a Certified Permaculture Designer. Experienced mushroom cultivator working with indoor and outdoor projects. Now working to develop a practical process for the cultivation of mycorrhizae; fungus+plant, to grow Porcini mushrooms…

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Jillian Hovey

Jillian is a wholistic permaculturalist, who has been working creatively and collaboratively with others since the early 1990s. She supports people in applying whole systems principles to catalyse regeneration in the environments they are…

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International Permaculture Slideshow Odyssey

International Permaculturalist, Jillian Hovey, will take you on a journey of some of the best examples of permaculture and eco community projects from around the world. A leading edge practitioner, Jillian has lived and…

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