Sharing Our Stories

[image_frame align="left" height="300" width="300" prettyphoto="false"][/image_frame] From sitting around the campfire to going to a blockbuster movie, stories are all around us and critical to building our movement. This panel will feature a diverse intergenerational…

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SpiritShield: An Integrated Permaculture & Transition Vision

[image_frame align="left" height="300" width="300" prettyphoto="false"][/image_frame] Raising consciousness is hard work, like transforming the war shield (hate) into a peaceful place (love); we need resilience-centric tools, bottom-up community processes to achieve new rituals and traditions.…

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The Evolution of Green Acres Urban Village

[image_frame align="left" height="300" width="300" prettyphoto="false"][/image_frame] In 2009, Ann Kreilkamp bought the house next door to hers because it had a large sunny lawn. Over the next two years, the lawn was converted to a…

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The Mycelial Metaphor

[image_frame align="left" height="300" width="300" prettyphoto="false"][/image_frame] The Mycelial Metaphor shows us patterns of interaction and organization that are shape of resiliency and co-operation. Examination of fungal ecologies and life cycles reveal the narrowness of reductionism,…

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There is No Away: Make Your Very Own Bottle Brick

[image_frame align="left" height="300" width="300" prettyphoto="false"][/image_frame] Just throw it Away! Where is this mythical place “Away”? This workshop is a breakdown of the American waste stream and it's impact on the environment and people. Anna…

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Water Panel

[image_frame align="left" height="300" width="300" prettyphoto="false"][/image_frame] Presented by: Brock Dohlman, Dr. Elizabeth Dougherty, Christina Bertea, Trethan Heckman Thursday September 15th | 10 AM – 11 AM | Main Stage

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What is Adaptive Agriculture?

[image_frame align="left" height="300" width="300" prettyphoto="false"][/image_frame] With so many categories, ideologies, philosophies, styles of growing food sustainably, it is challenging for beginning farmers to enter the local food system with their own identity. Adaptive Agriculture…

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What the Designers Manual Didn’t Tell You…

[image_frame align="left" height="300" width="300" prettyphoto="false"][/image_frame] After more than 20 years of focused broad-acre, farm scale applied Permaculture there have been many successes with our design, also some failures and re-corrections. We may be one…

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Why International Permaculture Convergences are Important for PC Global Movement

[image_frame align="left" height="300" width="300" prettyphoto="false"][/image_frame] For the permaculture community, the International Permaculture Convergences (IPC) are hugely important. Why is there a global permaculture movement? What makes it continue to influence and inspire people, not…

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Widening the Circle – Eco-Conscious Leadership in Practice

[image_frame align="left" height="300" width="300" prettyphoto="false"][/image_frame] How do we embody a holistic approach that Includes, shares and integrates masculine, feminine and the whole spectrum of gender perspectives and approaches in our Permaculture practices and leadership?…

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Working at the Edges: Exploring Our Personal and Cultural Eco-Systems

[image_frame align="left" height="300" width="300" prettyphoto="false"][/image_frame] Working at the Edges, exploring our personal and cultural eco-systems. Using self-observation techniques and courageous conversations. The Edges a place where there are an abundant of resources and tensions.…

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